Task Number 2 – My first hand written html

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My second assignment was to write a html code by hand. At first it was to just copy straight from the page in front of me. Then, I had to continue by memory until i could get it right.  As you can see from the picture below, it took me a “few” tries.


But as most teaching methods go, the more you try and fail the more you learn. After 13 tries, yes 13, I finally had it. However, I was a little worried I had just short-term memorized it. So I decided why not watch some T.V. and take a shower. A couple of hours later I gave it a try again. The result below:


Now my only concern is that I will forget this tomorrow or even a week from now. Since the task on P2PU states: “It’s important to be able to do this because this basic html document will form the basis for (almost) every html document you write in the future.”, I will be giving this a go everyday! A week from now I will hopefully still have it stored in my memory bank!

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